Source code for py_avro_schema._schemas

# Copyright 2022 J.P. Morgan Chase & Co.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an
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Module to generate Avro schemas for Python types/classes

from __future__ import annotations

import abc
import dataclasses
import datetime
import decimal
import enum
import inspect
import re
import sys
import types
import uuid
from typing import (

import more_itertools
import orjson
import typeguard

import py_avro_schema._typing

    # Pydantic not necessarily required at runtime
    import pydantic
    import pydantic.fields

JSONStr = str
JSONObj = Dict[str, Any]
JSONArray = List[Any]
JSONType = Union[JSONStr, JSONObj, JSONArray]

NamesType = List[str]

[docs] class TypeNotSupportedError(TypeError): """Error raised when a Avro schema cannot be generated for a given Python type"""
[docs] class Option(enum.Flag): """ Schema generation options Options can be passed in to the function :func:`py_avro_schema.generate`. Multiple values are specified like this:: Option.INT_32 | Option.FLOAT_32 """ #: Format JSON data using 2 spaces indentation JSON_INDENT_2 = orjson.OPT_INDENT_2 #: Sort keys in JSON data JSON_SORT_KEYS = orjson.OPT_SORT_KEYS #: Append a newline character at the end of the JSON data JSON_APPEND_NEWLINE = orjson.OPT_APPEND_NEWLINE # type: ignore #: Use ``int`` schemas (32-bit) instead of ``long`` schemas (64-bit) for Python :class:`int`. INT_32 = #: Use ``float`` schemas (32-bit) instead of ``double`` schemas (64-bit) for Python class :class:`float`. FLOAT_32 = #: Use milliseconds instead of microseconds precision for (date)time schemas MILLISECONDS = #: Mandate default values to be specified for all dataclass fields. This option may be used to enforce default #: values on Avro record fields to support schema evolution/resolution. DEFAULTS_MANDATORY = #: Model ``Dict[str, Any]`` fields as string schemas instead of byte schemas (with logical type ``json``, to support #: JSON serialization inside Avro). LOGICAL_JSON_STRING = #: Do not populate namespaces automatically based on the package a Python class is defined in. NO_AUTO_NAMESPACE = #: Automatically populate namespaces using full (dotted) module names instead of top-level package names. AUTO_NAMESPACE_MODULE = #: Do not populate ``doc`` schema attributes based on Python docstrings NO_DOC = #: Use an alias specified as part of a class instead of the class name itself. #: This currently affects Pydantic models only. #: See USE_CLASS_ALIAS = #: Use the alias specified in a class field instead of the field/attribute name itself. #: This currently affects Pydantic models only. #: See USE_FIELD_ALIAS =
JSON_OPTIONS = [opt for opt in Option if and"JSON_")] def schema( py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, names: Optional[NamesType] = None, options: Option = Option(0), ) -> JSONType: """ Generate and return an Avro schema for a given Python type This function is called recursively, traversing the type tree down to primitive type leaves :param py_type: The type/class to generate the schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to all named schemas. :param names: Sequence of Avro schema names to track previously defined named schemas. :param options: Schema generation options as defined by :class:`Option` enum values. Specify multiple values like this: ``Option.INT_32 | Option.FLOAT_32``. """ if names is None: names = [] schema_obj = _schema_obj(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) schema_data = return schema_data def _schema_obj(py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)) -> "Schema": """ Dispatch to relevant schema classes :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ # Find concrete Schema subclasses defined in the current module # TODO: make this pluggable and accept additional classes schema_classes = inspect.getmembers( sys.modules[__name__], lambda obj: inspect.isclass(obj) and issubclass(obj, Schema) and not inspect.isabstract(obj), ) for _, schema_class in schema_classes: # Find the first schema class that handles py_type schema_obj = schema_class(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) # type: ignore if schema_obj: return schema_obj raise TypeNotSupportedError(f"Cannot generate Avro schema for Python type {py_type}") # See _AVRO_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z]([A-Za-z0-9_])*$") def validate_name(value: str) -> str: """Validate (and return) whether a given string is a valid Avro name""" if not re.match(_AVRO_NAME_PATTERN, value): raise ValueError(f"'{value}' is not a valid Avro name") return value class Schema(abc.ABC): """Schema base""" def __new__(cls, py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ Create an instance of this schema class if it handles py_type :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ if cls.handles_type(py_type): return super().__new__(cls) else: return None def __init__(self, py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ A schema base :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ self.py_type = py_type self.options = options self._namespace = namespace # Namespace override @property def namespace_override(self) -> Optional[str]: """Manually set namespace, if any""" return self._namespace @property def namespace(self) -> Optional[str]: """The namespace, taking into account auto-namespace options and any override""" if self._namespace is None and Option.NO_AUTO_NAMESPACE not in self.options: module = inspect.getmodule(self.py_type) if module and module.__name__ != "builtin": if Option.AUTO_NAMESPACE_MODULE in self.options: return module.__name__ else: return module.__name__.split(".", 1)[0] # top-level package return self._namespace # The override @abc.abstractmethod def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONType: """Return the schema data""" @classmethod @abc.abstractmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" def make_default(self, py_default: Any) -> Any: """ Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value Typically the Avro JSON schema default value is the same type as the Python type. But if required, this method could be overridden in subclasses. """ return py_default class PrimitiveSchema(Schema): """An Avro primitive schema for a given Python type""" # TODO: implement make_default for bool primitive_types = [ # Tuple of (Python type, whether to include subclasses too, Avro schema) (bool, True, "boolean"), (bytes, True, "bytes"), (float, True, "double"), # Return "double" (64 bit) schema for Python floats by default (int, True, "long"), # Return "long" (64 bit) schema for Python integers by default (str, False, "string"), # :class:`StrSubclassSchema` handles string subclasses (type(None), False, "null"), ] @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return any( _is_class(py_type, type_, include_subclasses=include_subclasses) for type_, include_subclasses, _ in cls.primitive_types ) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONStr: """Return the schema data""" if Option.INT_32 in self.options and issubclass(self.py_type, int): # If option is set to use 32 bit integers, return "int" schema instead of "double return "int" elif Option.FLOAT_32 in self.options and issubclass(self.py_type, float): # If option is set to use 32 bit floats, return "float" schema instead of "double" return "float" else: # We're guaranteed a match since :meth:`handles_types` applies first return next( data for type_, include_subclasses, data in self.primitive_types if _is_class(self.py_type, type_, include_subclasses=include_subclasses) ) class StrSubclassSchema(Schema): """An Avro string schema for a Python subclass of str, with a custom property referencing the class' fullname""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type[str]) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return ( inspect.isclass(py_type) and issubclass(py_type, str) and py_type is not str # Enums are always modelled as enum schemas, even when subclassing str and not issubclass(py_type, enum.Enum) ) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" fullname = self.py_type.__name__ if self.namespace: fullname = f"{self.namespace}.{fullname}" return { "type": "string", "namedString": fullname, # Custom property since "string" is not a named schema in Avro schema spec } class LiteralSchema(Schema): """An Avro schema of any type for a Python Literal type, e.g. ``Literal[""]``""" def __init__(self, py_type: Type[Any], namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ An Avro schema of any type for a Python Literal type, e.g. ``Literal[""]`` :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) # For now we support Literals with the same type only. Potentially we could explose multiple literal types into # an Avro Union schema, but that may not be something that anyone would every want to use... try: (literal_type,) = {type(literal_value) for literal_value in get_args(py_type)} except ValueError: # Too many values to unpack raise TypeError("Cannot generate Avro schema for Python typing.Literal with mixed type values") self.literal_value_schema = _schema_obj(literal_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type[Any]) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) return get_origin(py_type) is Literal def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONType: """Return the schema data""" return class DictAsJSONSchema(Schema): """An Avro string schema representing a Python Dict[str, Any] or List[Dict[str, Any]] assuming JSON serialization""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return _is_dict_str_any(py_type) or _is_list_dict_str_any(py_type) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" type_ = "string" if Option.LOGICAL_JSON_STRING in self.options else "bytes" return { "type": type_, "logicalType": "json", } def make_default(self, py_default: Any) -> str: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" return orjson.dumps(py_default).decode() class UUIDSchema(Schema): """An Avro string schema representing a Python UUID object""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return _is_class(py_type, uuid.UUID) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" return { "type": "string", "logicalType": "uuid", } def make_default(self, py_default: uuid.UUID) -> str: """ Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value In case of a UUID, it is difficult to imagine how we could create default values other than an empty string. For schema evolution purposes, one might want to specify a default. And in a Python class, one is most likely to want a default that actually generates a random UUID. """ return "" class DateSchema(Schema): """An Avro logical type date schema for a given Python date type""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return _is_class(py_type, and not _is_class(py_type, datetime.datetime) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" return {"type": "int", "logicalType": "date"} def make_default(self, py_default: -> int: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" return (py_default -, 1, 1)).days class TimeSchema(Schema): """An Avro logical type time (microseconds precision) schema for a given Python time type""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return _is_class(py_type, datetime.time) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" logical_type = "time-millis" if Option.MILLISECONDS in self.options else "time-micros" type_by_logical_type = { "time-millis": "int", "time-micros": "long", } return {"type": type_by_logical_type[logical_type], "logicalType": logical_type} def make_default(self, py_default: datetime.time) -> int: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" # Force UTC as we're concerned only about time diffs dt1 = datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) dt2 = datetime.datetime.combine(datetime.datetime(1, 1, 1), py_default, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc) return int((dt2 - dt1).total_seconds() * 1e6) class DateTimeSchema(Schema): """An Avro logical type timestamp (microseconds precision) schema for a given Python datetime type""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return _is_class(py_type, datetime.datetime) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" logical_type = "timestamp-millis" if Option.MILLISECONDS in self.options else "timestamp-micros" return {"type": "long", "logicalType": logical_type} def make_default(self, py_default: datetime.datetime) -> int: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" if not py_default.tzinfo: raise TypeError(f"Default {py_default!r} must be timezone-aware") return int((py_default - datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0, tz=datetime.timezone.utc)).total_seconds() * 1e6) class TimeDeltaSchema(Schema): """An Avro logical type duration schema for a given Python timedelta type""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return _is_class(py_type, datetime.timedelta) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" return { "type": "fixed", "name": "datetime.timedelta", "size": 12, "logicalType": "duration", } def make_default(self, py_default: datetime.timedelta) -> str: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" raise ValueError( f"Defaults for {self.__class__} not currently supported. Use union with null-schema instead and default " f"value `None`" ) class ForwardSchema(Schema): """A forward/circular reference which in Avro is just the schema name""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return isinstance(py_type, (str, ForwardRef)) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONStr: """Return the schema data""" if isinstance(self.py_type, str): return self.py_type # In Python you can forward ref using a string literal else: assert isinstance(self.py_type, ForwardRef) return self.py_type.__forward_arg__ # Or using a ForwardRef object containing the same string literal class DecimalSchema(Schema): """ An Avro bytes, logical decimal schema for a Python :class:`decimal.Decimal` For this to work, users must annotate variables with like so:: >>> import decimal >>> from typing import Annotated >>> my_decimal: Annotated[decimal.Decimal, (4, 2)] = decimal.Decimal("12.34") """ @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" # Here we are greedy: we catch any decimal.Decimal. However, data() might fail if the annotation is not correct. return ( _is_class(py_type, decimal.Decimal) # Using DecimalMeta or get_origin(py_type) is decimal.Decimal # Deprecated: DecimalType ) @classmethod def _decimal_meta(cls, py_type: Type) -> py_avro_schema._typing.DecimalMeta: """Return a decimal precision and scale for type, if possible""" origin = get_origin(py_type) args = get_args(py_type) if origin is Annotated and args and args[0] is decimal.Decimal: # Annotated[decimal.Decimal, pas.DecimalMeta(4, 2)] try: # At least one of the annotations should be a DecimalMeta object (meta,) = (arg for arg in args[1:] if isinstance(arg, py_avro_schema._typing.DecimalMeta)) except ValueError: # not enough/too many values to unpack raise TypeError(f"{py_type} is not annotated with a single 'py_avro_schema.DecimalMeta' object") return meta elif origin is decimal.Decimal: # Deprecated pas.DecimalType[4, 2] if cls._validate_meta_tuple(args): return py_avro_schema._typing.DecimalMeta(precision=args[0], scale=args[1]) else: raise TypeError(f"{py_type} is not annotated with a tuple of integers (precision, scale)") else: # Anything else is not a supported decimal type raise TypeError(f"{py_type} is not a decimal type") @staticmethod def _validate_meta_tuple(tuple_: Tuple) -> bool: """Checks whether a given tuple is a tuple of (precision, scale)""" return len(tuple_) == 2 and all(isinstance(item, int) for item in tuple_) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" meta = self._decimal_meta(self.py_type) data_ = { "type": "bytes", "logicalType": "decimal", "precision": meta.precision, } if meta.scale is not None: # Avro spec: scale is optional, equals to zero when omitted data_["scale"] = meta.scale return data_ def make_default(self, py_default: decimal.Decimal) -> str: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" meta = self._decimal_meta(self.py_type) scale = meta.scale or 0 # Scale is optional in Avro and should be interpreted as zero when omitted sign, digits, exp = py_default.as_tuple() assert isinstance(exp, int) # for mypy if len(digits) > meta.precision: raise ValueError( f"Default value {py_default} has precision {len(digits)} which is greater than the schema's precision " f"{meta.precision}" ) delta = exp + scale if delta < 0: raise ValueError( f"Default value {py_default} has scale {-exp} which is greater than the schema's scale {scale}" ) unscaled_datum = 0 for digit in digits: unscaled_datum = (unscaled_datum * 10) + digit unscaled_datum = 10**delta * unscaled_datum bytes_req = (unscaled_datum.bit_length() + 8) // 8 if sign: unscaled_datum = -unscaled_datum return r"\u" + unscaled_datum.to_bytes(bytes_req, byteorder="big", signed=True).hex() # Recursive schemas ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class SequenceSchema(Schema): """An Avro array schema for a given Python sequence""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) origin = get_origin(py_type) return _is_class(origin, def __init__( self, py_type: Type[], namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0), ): """ An Avro array schema for a given Python sequence :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) args = get_args(py_type) # TODO: validate if args has exactly 1 item? self.items_schema = _schema_obj(args[0], namespace=namespace, options=options) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" return { "type": "array", "items":, } def make_default(self, py_default: -> JSONArray: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python Sequence :param py_default: The Python sequence to generate a default value for. """ return [self.items_schema.make_default(item) for item in py_default] class DictSchema(Schema): """An Avro map schema for a given Python mapping""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) origin = get_origin(py_type) args = get_args(py_type) # TODO: should we return false if args does not have 2 items? return _is_class(origin, and args[1] != Any # dict values must be strongly typed def __init__( self, py_type: Type[], namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0), ): """ An Avro map schema for a given Python mapping :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) args = get_args(py_type) if args[0] != str: raise TypeError(f"Cannot generate Avro mapping schema for Python dictionary {py_type} with non-string keys") self.values_schema = _schema_obj(args[1], namespace=namespace, options=options) def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" return { "type": "map", "values":, } class UnionSchema(Schema): """An Avro union schema for a given Python union type""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) origin = get_origin(py_type) # Support for `X | Y` syntax available in Python 3.10+ # equivalent to `typing.Union[X, Y]` union_type = getattr(types, "UnionType", None) if union_type: return origin == Union or origin == union_type return origin == Union def __init__(self, py_type: Type[Union[Any]], namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ An Avro union schema for a given Python union type :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) args = get_args(py_type) self.item_schemas = [_schema_obj(arg, namespace=namespace, options=options) for arg in args] def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONType: """Return the schema data""" # Render the item schemas schemas = ( for item_schema in self.item_schemas) # We need to deduplicate the schemas **after** rendering. This is because **different** Python types might # result in the **same** Avro schema. Preserving order as order may be significant in an Avro schema. unique_schemas = list(more_itertools.unique_everseen(schemas)) if len(unique_schemas) > 1: return unique_schemas else: return unique_schemas[0] def sort_item_schemas(self, default_value: Any) -> None: """Re-order the union's schemas such that the first item corresponds with a record field's default value""" default_index = -1 for i, item_schema in enumerate(self.item_schemas): try: typeguard.check_type(default_value, item_schema.py_type) default_index = i break except typeguard.TypeCheckError: continue if default_index > 0: default_item_schema = self.item_schemas.pop(default_index) self.item_schemas.insert(0, default_item_schema) def make_default(self, py_default: Any) -> JSONType: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" # self.item_schemas[0] is the default schema because it gets sorted in sort_item_schemas return self.item_schemas[0].make_default(py_default) # Named schemas -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- class NamedSchema(Schema): """A named Avro schema base class""" def __init__(self, py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ A named Avro schema base class :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) = py_type.__name__ def __str__(self): """Human rendering of the schema""" return self.fullname @property def name(self): """Return the schema name""" return self._name @name.setter def name(self, value: str): """Validate and set the schema name""" self._name = validate_name(value) @property def fullname(self): """The schema's full name including the namespace if set""" if self.namespace: return ".".join((self.namespace, else: return def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONType: """Return the schema data""" if self.fullname in names: return self.fullname else: names.append(self.fullname) return self.data_before_deduplication(names=names) @abc.abstractmethod def data_before_deduplication(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" class EnumSchema(NamedSchema): """An Avro enum schema for a Python enum with string values""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" return _is_class(py_type, enum.Enum) def __init__(self, py_type: Type[enum.Enum], namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ An Avro enum schema for a Python enum with string values :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) self.symbols = [member.value for member in py_type] symbol_types = {type(symbol) for symbol in self.symbols} if symbol_types != {str}: raise TypeError(f"Avro enum schema members must be strings. {py_type} uses {symbol_types} values.") def data_before_deduplication(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" enum_schema = { "type": "enum", "name":, "symbols": self.symbols, # This is the default for the enum, not the default value for a record field using the enum type! See Avro # schema specification for use. For now, we force the default value to be the first symbol. This means that # if the writer schema has an additional member that the reader schema does NOT have, the reader will simply # and silently assume the default specified here. Now that may not always be what we want, but standard lib # Python enums don't really have a way to specify this. "default": self.symbols[0], } if self.namespace is not None: enum_schema["namespace"] = self.namespace if Option.NO_DOC not in self.options: doc = _doc_for_class(self.py_type) if doc: enum_schema["doc"] = doc return enum_schema class RecordSchema(NamedSchema): """An Avro record schema base class""" def __init__(self, py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ An Avro record schema base class :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) self.record_fields:[RecordField] = [] def data_before_deduplication(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" record_schema = { "type": "record", "name":, "fields": [ for field in self.record_fields], } if self.namespace is not None: record_schema["namespace"] = self.namespace if Option.NO_DOC not in self.options: doc = _doc_for_class(self.py_type) if doc: record_schema["doc"] = doc return record_schema class RecordField: """An Avro record field""" def __init__( self, py_type: Type, name: str, namespace: Optional[str], default: Any = dataclasses.MISSING, docs: str = "", options: Option = Option(0), ): """ An Avro record field :param py_type: The Python class or type :param name: Field name :param namespace: Avro schema namespace :param default: Field default value :param docs: Field documentation or description :param options: Schema generation options """ self.py_type = py_type = name self._namespace = namespace self.default = default = docs self.options = options self.schema = _schema_obj(self.py_type, namespace=self._namespace, options=options) if self.default != dataclasses.MISSING: if isinstance(self.schema, UnionSchema): self.schema.sort_item_schemas(self.default) typeguard.check_type(self.default, self.py_type) else: if Option.DEFAULTS_MANDATORY in self.options: raise TypeError(f"Default value for field {self} is missing") def __str__(self): """Human representation of the field""" return def data(self, names: NamesType) -> JSONObj: """Return the schema data""" field_data = { "name":, "type":, } if self.default != dataclasses.MISSING: field_data["default"] = self.schema.make_default(self.default) if and Option.NO_DOC not in self.options: field_data["doc"] = return field_data class DataclassSchema(RecordSchema): """An Avro record schema for a given Python dataclass""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) return dataclasses.is_dataclass(py_type) def __init__(self, py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ An Avro record schema for a given Python dataclass :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) self.py_fields = dataclasses.fields(py_type) self.record_fields = [self._record_field(field) for field in self.py_fields] def _record_field(self, py_field: dataclasses.Field) -> RecordField: """Return an Avro record field object for a given dataclass field""" default = py_field.default if callable(py_field.default_factory): # type: ignore default = py_field.default_factory() # type: ignore field_obj = RecordField( py_type=py_field.type,, namespace=self.namespace_override, default=default, options=self.options, ) return field_obj class PydanticSchema(RecordSchema): """An Avro record schema for a given Pydantic model class""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) return hasattr(py_type, "__pydantic_private__") def __init__(self, py_type: Type[pydantic.BaseModel], namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ An Avro record schema for a given Pydantic model class :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) if Option.USE_CLASS_ALIAS in self.options: = py_type.model_config.get("title") or self.py_fields = py_type.model_fields self.record_fields = [self._record_field(name, field) for name, field in self.py_fields.items()] def _record_field(self, name: str, py_field: pydantic.fields.FieldInfo) -> RecordField: """Return an Avro record field object for a given Pydantic model field""" default = dataclasses.MISSING if py_field.is_required() else py_field.get_default(call_default_factory=True) py_type = self._annotation(name) record_name = py_field.alias if Option.USE_FIELD_ALIAS in self.options and py_field.alias else name field_obj = RecordField( py_type=py_type, name=record_name, namespace=self.namespace_override, default=default, docs=py_field.description or "", options=self.options, ) return field_obj def make_default(self, py_default: pydantic.BaseModel) -> JSONObj: """Return an Avro schema compliant default value for a given Python value""" return {key: _schema_obj(self._annotation(key)).make_default(value) for key, value in py_default} def _annotation(self, field_name: str) -> Type: """ Fetch the raw annotation for a given field name Pydantic "unpacks" annotated and forward ref types in their FieldInfo API. We need to access to full, raw annotated type hints instead. """ for class_ in self.py_type.mro(): if class_.__annotations__.get(field_name): return class_.__annotations__[field_name] raise ValueError(f"{field_name} is not a field of {self.py_type}") # Should never happen class PlainClassSchema(RecordSchema): """An Avro record schema for a plain Python class with typed constructor method arguments""" @classmethod def handles_type(cls, py_type: Type) -> bool: """Whether this schema class can represent a given Python class""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) return ( # Dataclasses are handled above not dataclasses.is_dataclass(py_type) # Pydantic models are handled above and not hasattr(py_type, "__pydantic_private__") # If we are subclassing a string, used the "named string" approach and (inspect.isclass(py_type) and not issubclass(py_type, str)) # Any other class with __init__ with typed args and bool(get_type_hints(py_type.__init__)) ) def __init__(self, py_type: Type, namespace: Optional[str] = None, options: Option = Option(0)): """ An Avro record schema for a plain Python class with typed constructor method arguments :param py_type: The Python class to generate a schema for. :param namespace: The Avro namespace to add to schemas. :param options: Schema generation options. """ super().__init__(py_type, namespace=namespace, options=options) py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) # Extracting arguments from __init__, dropping first argument `self`. self.py_fields = list(inspect.signature(py_type.__init__).parameters.values())[1:] self.record_fields = [self._record_field(field) for field in self.py_fields] def _record_field(self, py_field: inspect.Parameter) -> RecordField: """Return an Avro record field object for a given Python instance attribute""" default = py_field.default if py_field.default != inspect.Parameter.empty else dataclasses.MISSING field_obj = RecordField( py_type=py_field.annotation,, namespace=self.namespace_override, default=default, options=self.options, ) return field_obj def _doc_for_class(py_type: Type) -> str: """Return the first line of the docstring for a given class, if any""" doc = inspect.getdoc(py_type) if doc: # Take the first sentence doc = doc.split("\n\n", 1)[0].replace("\n", " ").replace(" ", " ").strip() return doc else: return "" def _is_dict_str_any(py_type: Type) -> bool: """Return whether a given type is ``Dict[str, Any]``""" origin = get_origin(py_type) return inspect.isclass(origin) and issubclass(origin, dict) and get_args(py_type) == (str, Any) def _is_list_dict_str_any(py_type: Type) -> bool: """Return whether a given type is ``List[Dict[str, Any]]``""" origin = get_origin(py_type) args = get_args(py_type) if args: return inspect.isclass(origin) and issubclass(origin, list) and _is_dict_str_any(args[0]) else: return False def _is_class(py_type: Any, of_types: Union[Type, Tuple[Type, ...]], include_subclasses: bool = True) -> bool: """Return whether the given type is a (sub) class of a type or types""" py_type = _type_from_annotated(py_type) if include_subclasses: return inspect.isclass(py_type) and issubclass(py_type, of_types) else: if isinstance(of_types, tuple): return py_type in of_types else: return py_type == of_types def _type_from_annotated(py_type: Type) -> Type: """ Return the "principal" type if the given type is annotated like this ``Annotated[{principal_type}, ...]`` If it's not annotated, just return the type itself """ args = get_args(py_type) if get_origin(py_type) == Annotated and args: return args[0] else: return py_type